17 UFO’s in 2017

As many of you know, I was knitting socks in 2016, lots and lots of socks, in fact my goal was 16 pairs in 2016 and I achieved it!  Lots of you have asked if I now intend to knit 17 pairs in 2017.  The answer to that is NO, but Anne and I have come up with another little idea for next year.  Well, ok it’s quite a big idea, and very exciting!

We’ve decided that our challenge is 17 UFO’s in 2017.  No!  Wait!   Please come back!!!  Before you run screaming into the hills, let me explain.  As I am very prone to dragonfly mentality (flit, hover, flit, hover….) and do lots of hand work, it would be ridiculous to think that I could finish 17 UFO’s in a year.  So, the idea is to SUBSTANTIALLY PROGRESS 17 projects over the year and if that means a finish along the way, well that’s a bonus!

Now, you can work your 17 projects into the year any which way you like.  However, I’ve been reviewing my 17 times table (i.e. the calculator) and while 17 doesn’t go easily into 12 (months) or 52 (weeks) nicely, it does work sort-of for days and by my estimation (quickly pressing number buttons) 17 goes into 365 to equal 21.47058823529412……..ok approximately 21 times.  That means three weeks devotion to one project – if that’s how you’d like to play it.  OR, just work as and how you feel.  OR, set yourself a goal to get so far on a particular project.  OR, take each project turn about. It’s entirely up to you.

So, how will this work?

::  You have between now and the beginning of January 2017 to decide on which 17 projects you’d like to nominate for your year’s work, and we will have (hopefully, if I get it right!) a linky party to kick off the year during the first week of January in which you will list your nominated 17.

::  Don’t worry if you don’t have 17 projects (I realise not all of you have been quilting as long as Anne or me, nor are some of you as slack at finishes as……well, as I am!)  You can nominate 2, 10, 16 or any number in between.

::  At the end of each month there will be a linky party so we can see what progress has been made.

::  If  you don’t have a blog but would like to join in, you can send your progress pics to Anne or myself and we will post them for you, or you can list your achievements in a comment on the linky party for the relevant month.

::  If you prefer, there is also a hashtag on Instagram #17ufosin2017 which you can use to link up your projects to this Challenge (I’m @pandchintz on Instagram) or do both!

:: Don’t fret if you’ve missed the start – you can join in at any time during 2017.

::  There is a button you can use on your blog which you can get from the side bar or from below.  (Please let me know if you have any problems with the button – this is my first attempt at one, so hoping it works ok for you!)

::  Projects can be anything you’ve already started (UFO = unfinished object), quilts, knitting, crochet, it’s up to you.

::  It doesn’t mean you can’t start something new or work on a project outside your nominated 17, they just won’t be included in this challenge.

::  This is not a sponsored event, so there are no prizes, just the satisfaction of your achievements!

So what do you think?  Anne and I do hope you’ll join us on this journey, and who knows what we will achieve in 2017!

Meredithe x


The Start

January    February    March    April

May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December

grab button for pomegranate and chintz

pomegranate and chintz
