17ufosin2017 | September

Well!  That’s been a particularly nasty bug that’s laid me low for quite a few weeks.  I’m still croaking and still tiring very easily, but hopefully on the mend.  Thank you all so much for your kind words, helpful remedies and virtual hugs; they’ve helped and cheered me.  Apologies for not replying personally to you all, but I’ve really not felt like tackling a keyboard/computer.

Now, however, I must as it’s the end of the month!  Sadly my ufo activities this month have not been……well, nothing really has been achieved.  At the start of the month I cut out setting triangles for “Brompton Road” and had high hopes of getting this quilt top together.  Alas it was not to be.  And obviously, no progress on any of my others.I’m aiming for greater things in October!  I do hope you’ve all had a better month and achieved lots in the way of clearing that list, or at least achieving Substantial Progress with some of your projects.  So over to you…….

::  If you have a blog, please add your link below (link will be open for a week);

::  If you don’t have a blog, list your month’s achievements in the comments, or

::  Add a post to Instagram with the hashtag #17ufosin2017

Can’t wait to see what everyone has done!  And if you missed out on posting last month, please join in this month – we’d love to have you along on the challenge.

Meredithe x

When linking to your blog for 17ufosin2017

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::  Visit other linkers to see what they’re going to be working on for 2017
:: The link will be open for a week
::  If you haven’t already, pick up the 17ufosin2017 blog button from my side bar

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18 Responses to 17ufosin2017 | September

  1. Annie Gunn says:

    Welcome back Meredithe – we missed you. It was a nasty bug that is for sure. I too had it for three weeks and that was after a flu shot and the pneumonia shot! Don’t think either gave me much immunity to it though. Still coughing after 4 weeks. I have just arrived in Queenstown NZ for a month touring and have two UFO biggies in the suitcase. Hoping for big results in that department. Only three UFO’s to go and now think there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks once again for inspiring us. Your Brompton Road looks interesting – will be nice to watch your progress on that one. 💐🌺🌹🌸🌼

  2. I hand appliqued Kim McLean’s Flower garden from May through September. Now I can hand quilt it for my sisters 60th birthday

  3. dkkoch275 says:

    Oh Welcome back! I’ve been worried–it must have been a bad spell! So glad to see you back and on the mend, looking forward to seeing your future postings. I enjoy them so much.

  4. Julie says:

    Welcome back,glad you’re recovering. Look forward to seeing some pretty piccys from you soon.

  5. Sorry to hear you have been so unwell. Sounds a horrid bug. Jo of butterZ fame has also had a flu that is taking weeks to get rid of. Hoping we don’t get these bugs during our Northern Hemisphere winter.

  6. Sue Whitburn says:

    Glad to see you are finally starting to get better. I have missed reading your posts! Now to look after yourself so no more bugs come-a-knocking!! Xxxx

  7. Good to know you are on the mend. Even stitching can be too much effort for a convalescent.

  8. Pamela says:

    Hope you continue to feel better

  9. Glad you are better. I am now going to get back to my 17 in 2017 list of which I had not see since May – two carpal tunnel surgeries have slowed me down.

  10. anudge says:

    Hang in there, Meredith. The silver lining is soon to be there.

  11. Aileen says:

    Oh it has been a nasty flu this year. Glad you are feeling better.

  12. Kyle says:

    Gosh, you’ve been missed, but glad you’re on the upswing.

  13. Gail Davis says:

    It’s lovely to have you back…slowly but surely! I do hope you finally shake this nastiness….yes, we have missed your regular updates, but would prefer to know you are getting back on your feet properly. My progress on my UFOs has been slowed by my travels – a lovely jaunt through the UK and Europe so I have a ‘nicer’ excuse for my lack of activity in my end-of-month update! I did organize some appliqué to take away with me on UFO no3 but it didn’t make the packing cut so is now in my bag ready to be stitched! I did take a needlepoint though, no15 on the list, which is finished and on the making up pile! Small steps….😉 Look after yourself…

  14. frayedattheedge says:

    Oh dear – we didn’t do too well this month did we!! Never mind, we are both on the mend, and it’s onwards and upwards for October!!

  15. stitchydragon says:

    So sorry to hear you’ve not been well, hoping you feel much better soon. October can only be better!! Hugs from Scotland,

  16. welcome back! I hope you feell better soon!

  17. audrey says:

    Hope you are able to maintain your better health! It’s frustrating to be stuck feeling poorly.:)

  18. Sorry you’ve been so under the weather. It has been a nasty year for respiratory bugs – I read that in the paper, so it must be true! – but (I also read) things are on the improve with the warmer weather. I hope you are, too. Take it easy and lap up some sunshine. It helps heaps 🙂

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