Finish-a-long 2016 Quarter 2

A couple of years ago I linked up with the Finish-a-long in an endeavour to get some things completed. Albeit not very successfully last time, I’ve decided to give it a go again this quarter, and have a much more reasonable list!

With Autumn well and truly here, and that I’m loving my new boots, particularly the tan ones, I’ve embarked on a sock knitting adventure. It’s only taken a couple of evenings to get this far

20160416-143607.jpgso, fingers crossed, they should get finished.

Then there are two quilts that have been quilted for about 18 months a little while, and they desperately need to be bound and labelled

20160416-143811.jpg(and the first thing I’ll need to do is find the prepped bindings – I know I’ve made them – which have moved to a new, seemingly unknown place since I revamped the sewing room!!)

20160416-143942.jpgLastly, Ma Kettle’s new lap quilt is all cut out and just needs stitching up, quilting, binding and labelling…….not too much to get done, huh?

20160416-144706.jpgThis may carry over to Quarter 3………..

Are you participating in the FAL 2016 Quarter 2?? Linking up with Jess from Elven Garden Quilts

Meredithe x

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9 Responses to Finish-a-long 2016 Quarter 2

  1. mandymunroe says:

    Those socks are gorgeous!

  2. Kyle says:

    Those are going to be flashy socks. Woo woo!

  3. Carrolyn v says:

    Finish? Is that the goal? Alas….I know it should be….and ultimately happens often. But I keep getting inspired by wonderful people like you….and start JUST one more! Hubby said I would be rich if I could find something that pays for STARTING ….BUYING…….ORGANIZING……putting things in Tupperware containers!

  4. Finish? I think I know what that means ……..
    Love the socks!

  5. Linda Dutch says:

    Bindings seem to be a bit of a stumbling block for me too! Love the socks! Oh, and your list looks very do-able Meredithe!

  6. Glenda says:

    What sock patter are u using ? I’m keen to make mine !!!!xx

  7. Sarah says:

    Good luck!! Really hope you find those bindings without too much digging!

  8. Good luck with your finishings-a-long!

  9. Theresa Arnold says:

    Reading your blog makes my day! Thank you!

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