Saturday Stitching

Thank you all sooo much for your kind, thoughtful birthday wishes!! I do love having bloggy friends!

Saturday’s stitching this month was at Miss Kaye’s, where there was food galore

20140303-173049.jpgand birthday celebrations continued with a delicious cake, complete with cup cake candles!

20140303-173159.jpgscrumptious served with strawberries and a cuppa!

20140303-173232.jpgMiss A had some special show and tell in the form of these fabulous pottery bowls

20140303-173326.jpgLove them!! Want them all!!

There were busy fingers too….

20140303-173442.jpgamongst the fun and laughter!

Thanks too for the scone compliments. I had so many enquiries that I’ve asked Jan if I can share her recipe and she’s replied, of course I can!! So here ’tis:

Jan’s Scones

3 cups SR flour
1 cup cream
1 cup lemonade (I used sparkling mineral water – still aerated but less sugar)

Mix together. It will be a little damp but don’t worry! Turn onto a floured board and knead lightly for a short time. Roll out thickly, cut with a scone cutter and bake in a hot oven for 10-15 minutes, or until cooked (mine took 20 minutes, but my oven is not the best!).

Best eaten while still warm with jam and double cream!!

It would be easy to add cheese, or dates, or whatever takes your fancy to this recipe! Enjoy.

Here’s how mine looked just out of the oven, and yes, the general consensus was that they were delicious – evidence being an empty plate at home time!

20140303-174059.jpgand because I’m SO proud of my effort, here’s just a few(!) more photos for you!!

20140303-174157.jpgWoo Hoo!!

Meredithe x

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8 Responses to Saturday Stitching

  1. Susan Snooks says:

    I think I could even make scones! Yours look delicious!

  2. That’s the best way to start a Monday morning – food, food, food and sconnage!! Oh, some sewing as well!!

  3. Sue Whitburn says:

    Happy belated birthday Meredithe, it looks like you have been having a lovely time. That scone recipe is definitely the best- I was given it a couple of years ago and it’s never failed! Xxx

  4. Doreen says:

    Thank you so much for the recipe!!!! I’ll be making these today!!!!! (will substitute fresh squeezed orange juice, maybe) Those bowls are……well, breath-taking!!!!! I’ve never seen anything so gorgeous!!!! Love the cupcake candles!!!! The stitchings, as always are inspiring and the food…..well, here in the deep freeze of the Winter that Will Never End, the fresh berries are an incredible ‘tease’!!!!! Hugs…………………………

  5. Thank you for the recipe. I’m building quite a good selection for scones. I found a lemon scone recipe that’s lovely with blueberry sauce and cream. I will try Jan’s soon.
    Lots of dessert photos, yum! Love the cupcake candles, very cute!

  6. thimbleanna says:

    Hahaha — I was reading your posts backwards and luckily I read them all before commenting — I already planned my comment to tell you to tell Miss Jan that I must have her recipe — and here you’ve (and she’s) delivered! Thank You So Much — the look Divine!!!

  7. trkingmomoe says:

    Yumm,,,,Happy Birthday. I liked the theme to your party.

  8. Andrea says:

    Fabulous post Meredithe. Thank you x

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