A Working List

I’ve been thinking – yes, you can give a collective groan here….altogether now….g.r.o.a.n.!!

My thought is this; lately I’ve seen on a few posts lists of bloggers’ projects with a running commentary on how they’re progressing, and I thought this could (notice the word “could”!) be a good idea for next year. So I’ll

:: choose 10 projects for the year
:: on the first Monday of each month I’ll give a run down on progress
:: hopefully(!) this will lead to some finishes

Do you think this is a good idea? Care to join in? We could have until the first Monday of January to decide which projects, then I’m going to print out my list and stick it on the fridge so it will be in my face every day.

The list could contain WIPS (works in progress)

20121205-113625.jpgUFO’S (unfinished objects)

20121205-113934.jpgprojects you’ve been thinking about

20121205-114028.jpgideas you’ve seen and want to try

20121205-114111.jpgpatterns that intrigue

20121205-114159.jpga design that’s been ticking over in your brain

20121205-114423.jpg…all, any or none of the above ideas. It won’t mean you can’t do something off the list, or start something totally new that grabs your attention, or that you have to finish something – it might be just enough to get something cut out. It would be a working list to get you motivated or for those times when you’re a bit stuck on where to go/what to do next.

Food for thought? You know I already have a problem with this don’t you? Which 10??!!

Happy stitching (and contemplation!)

PS I don’t know where this idea originated but would like to thank whoever thought of it – thank you! (I think!)

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9 Responses to A Working List

  1. Suz says:

    Well, you certainly have me thinking……I have plenty of WIPS, new ideas and plans! I will contemplate some more…

  2. Pip says:

    Great idea Meredithe, I have a few WISP’s, PHd’s and UFO’s which could certainly go on my list, and at least it would get them moving again and maybe finished as well. I need to think about my list now 🙂

  3. helen f says:

    grt idea m- i have heap of ufo’s and some new quilt ideas but mist if all i wld like to start some new embroidery projects – my hardanger,3dimensional , brazillian, crewel – the list goes on and on and on……

  4. Carraro says:

    I see Miss Marple is still on your list of WIPs. Maybe she should come home to me and she will get finished!! She certainly is beautiful. My list of WIPs is way too long for even the biggest fridge in the country or even the world

  5. Anne says:

    I have had a vague plan about making all the kits I have – or at least piecing them, if not quilting them …… as well as, of course, having my year of using it up, so I think along with your ideas, it will all come together nicely! And my latest idea is too have a vague timetable, so that I do different things on different days, so steady progress can be made, instead of wips being put aside every time I start a new project (hope you followed that!!)
    Still very cold here!!

  6. Ann Ireland says:

    What a great idea Meredithe, Trouble is I have so many UFO’s and ideas in my head that my list wouldn’t stop at 10. One of which (like you), is an Irish chain. I must start my list!!!

  7. elainesuller says:

    Fantastic idea! Putting WIP’s on my blog helps motivate me to work on them!

  8. njquilter24 says:

    hey I am suppose to have blinders on when I look at blogs I love that steam punk pattern!
    orange and pink together make that one next! love that basket !

  9. This is a brilliant idea Meredithe! I have so many UFOs I think focussing on 10 projects (publicly!) would be a great way to actually complete things. I may have to borrow this idea myself for 2013!

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